grumble is a funny word

So I’ve heard that my last post was just a bit grumbly.  Well….so?  I’m allowed to grumble.  Just because I grumble doesn’t mean I’m not happy.  I am quite happy and content with my life, in fact!  I have a beautiful wife, a great job, a roof over my head, and I had a delicious pesto salmon burger dinner!  My beer is cold, my clothes are clean, and I have nice shoes.  My car runs (needs an oil change though), I’m healthy, and I have a great tempure-pedic pillow.

Yet within that, I still have a longing for more.  Not a selfish longing of desire, but a righteous longing of fulfillment.  I’m not just trying for faster cars, less traffic, and the ability to wear my awesome Eddie Bauer jacket — although I do love that jacket.  I just have this feeling inside me that is longing to go and do what God has set for me.  And I think part of discovering that and pursuing that means that I get to grumble.

So I shall still count my blessings and be thankful for each gift of breath I take; but at the same time I will grumble.  It’s part of life.  So there.


Also (the lines above are to denote a complete change of thought, pace, and tone) the more I think about it, running can’t be healthy.  I’ll just walk places.  The view is better: not as bouncy.

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